Message From The National Bishop
We thank Jehovah God for this far He’s taken us as a Christian Ministry and in deed we can attest to the fact that HE is Ebenezer. Welcome on board as we endeavor to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ across the world, starting from Jerusalem to the uttermost end. Figuratively, we take our Jerusalem to be Chumani in Kilifi County, Coast Region in Kenya……………. Remember, EVERY SOUL counts!
We are involved in a number of programmes and activities as part of the body of Jesus Christ which include: Daily Worship Services – every Sunday and Weekly(please feel welcome to our services and fellowships), Formal Education Provision, Child Development and Care in our Partnership Project with Compassion International (TUZO CDC- KE0288) as we also aspire to offer children’s home, holding Annual Conferences like Youth Conference every April, Ladies’ Conference every August and Ezra Conference (an all- inclusive meeting) every December. To ensure quality church leadership, Trainings are often times conducted for Capacity Building of our Church Pastors and Leaders in general. Taking a course in Church Ministry/ Theology is also highly recommended especially so for the Church Pastors.
Furthermore , we engage in missions and outreach not just for winning souls for Jesus Christ and spreading the Gospel but also for opportunities to plant new churches mostly targeting the least reached or unreached community groups and areas all over the world in fulfilling the ‘Go Ye’ - Great Commission…Mk 16:15 , Matt. 28:19-20. Community work is also at the heart of our service to God given that the ministry is a non – profit making organization dedicated to connecting people with God and transforming their lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
There are some programmes which are yet to be actualized like the ‘ Pastor’s Farm’ which targets at making the pastor a role model in farming as we engage in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through faith and action. Plans targeting the needy and vulnerable groups in the society are also core to us as service to mankind is service to God.
To this end, we thank and invite all our members, Christian brethren and well- wishers to continually stand with us as we run this noble course in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Any form of assistance, be it spiritual, moral or legal support, technical advice, getting involved in our activities, financial contribution and donations, is highly and I do repeat, is highly appreciated. You could drop a message through the contact forms or send your donations through our numbers as provided.
Once again thank you. God richly bless you. Special thanks to Apostle Sarah Kondo.
Kindly feel welcome and appreciated in Jesus’ Name.
It’s all about Jesus Christ.
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